New Omega Swirl looks and tastes like a fruit smoothie, yet provides optimal levels of vital and essential Omega-3 EPA/DHA to bring you vibrant health and energy.
Fish Oil also contains essential fatty acids but in a different ratio than in Flax Seed Oil and thus has different effects. I like to think that the predominance of Omega-6s in fish oil gives it the ability to help circulation…from the tiny blood vessels in the eyes and heart to the ones that run down to your toes.
Fish oil is also great for arthritis. I recommend Barleans Brand for both Fish and Flax Seed Oils.
I suggest that people over 50 take 2-3 capsules of both Fish and Flax Seed oil every morning. Nutritionists and doctors now believe that the epidemic of obesity, diabetes and heart disease in this country can be linked to the lack of Omega-3 fatty acids in the diet. Essential Fatty Acids are found in cold water fish (salmon, mackerel, sardines) avocados, and nuts (such as almonds and walnuts), which are not part of the typical American diet.
I invite you to read The Omega-3 Connection by Andrew Stoll, MD, and Omega-3 Oils by Donald Rudin, MD and Clara Felix for more on this story.
For those who do not like to swallow those big gel caps, we sell a luscious, mango flavored liquid fish oil that goes well in smoothies, yogurt, ice cream, or straight from the bottle into you. It does NOT taste fishy at all. Promise!