by Carol Boerner | Feb 11, 2019 | Blog, Flash, Specials, Uncategorized
Apologies to one and all for not blogging sooner. However, now I have great news to share! I have reduced the cost of peels from $300 to $250 for the winter to urge you even more to peel away these winter days by freshening your skin! Peels take less than an hour to...
by Carol Boerner | May 11, 2015 | Uncategorized
Many people come to see us apologizing for wanting to improve their images. This worries me, the daughter of a psychiatrist and psychiatric social worker, greatly. Why the shame about wanting to look good as the years accumulate? Where is the self-respect those...
by Carol Boerner | Apr 5, 2015 | Uncategorized
Actually, the first time you applied sunscreen. When you worked to regain your figure after the babies and menopause, and forevermore. When you started to take vitamin supplements. When you fixed your teeth (braces, veneers etc.) as an adult. As you changed your...
by Carol Boerner | Apr 4, 2015 | Uncategorized
We have been working very hard this winter with the VIPeels – and we are getting some amazing results! Peels are done in a series to remove pigment, fine lines and skin texture issues. Now we are using peels and Microneedling sequentially to get spectacular results....
by Carol Boerner | Mar 1, 2015 | Uncategorized
Our comprehensive skin rejuvenation menu of injectables, skin therapy, makeup, will give you the confidence and radiance you desire for any occasion. Please call for a complimentary consultation.